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hey there,

I'm Rachel

I'm here to help you convert the phenomenal customer experience you offer into compelling, reader-friendly copy that not only resonates but captivates. All while you dive back into what sets your heart ablaze - the art and science of beauty.


Drawing from nearly a decade's worth of experience in the beauty industry, I've developed an innate understanding of the challenges, trends, and triumphs that you face in this ever-evolving industry.


I've rolled up my sleeves and worked side-by-side with aesthetic technology professionals, skincare experts, and the leaders of international beauty brands, honing my skills and deepening my understanding of an industry that never slows down. 


But what really sets me apart is my dedication to understanding your brand's individual voice.

I have an uncanny knack for mimicking tone and style, for capturing the essence of your brand and its personality.


And here's the best part: I'm as committed to your success as you are. Because when your brand shines, so does mine.


I am excited about the opportunity to bring my unique blend of industry expertise and creative flair to your business. Let's take this journey together, creating copy that not only stands out but truly resonates with your dream customers.


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You know what you want to say,
but don't know
how to say it, right?

Picture this: you're seated at your desk, fingers primed for action on the keyboard, ready to whip up some gripping content for your socials, overhaul your website, or unleash your latest blog post.


Then, just like that, it's as if your creative mind has had all of its ideas extracted. 


...except this kind is way less satisfying. 


Sound familiar? Trust me, you're not alone. In fact, most of my clients confess during our initial chat that they'd prefer to buy supermarket skincare than wrestle with the beast of creating a whole website's worth of compelling copy.


I'm here to step in and transform that blank page into a magnet for your dream clients. As your dedicated copywriter, I can help banish that brain fog and reignite your creative spark.

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Empowering brands with a copywriter who truly understands the industry

Ever had the misfortune of dealing with a writer who spins exaggerated tales, and professes undying love for the professional beauty industry, yet is clueless about the difference between LED and laser? Annoying doesn't begin to cover it!

Bid farewell to the days of laboriously explaining the nitty-gritty of your newest skin treatment, the latest tech trend, or the wonder ingredient of the season to a writer who just doesn't "get it".

I'm not just writing about beauty - I'm living it, breathing it, and constantly staying abreast of its ever-evolving trends and innovations. My commitment to ongoing learning ensures your content is always fresh, relevant, and informed, truly capturing the pulse of the professional and consumer beauty worlds.

It's this knowledge and passion that set me apart, transforming me from a mere wordsmith to your personal industry insider, fully equipped to create engaging, impactful content that resonates with your audience and reflects the authenticity of your brand.

Let's be real: People aren't charmed by products or services with swanky names. They're swayed by how these offerings can enrich their lives.


My writing style is laser-focused on nurturing a genuine, human connection between your brand and your ideal clients. It's sharp, it's insightful, it's full of wit, and above all, it's straight from the heart.


In my hands, your brand becomes more than just a business; it becomes a friend, a confidante, and a trusted advisor. Through empathy-driven copy, I can help your brand forge lasting, meaningful connections with your audience, turning casual browsers into loyal customers.


After all, beauty isn't just about looking good; it's about feeling good, too. And by conveying this understanding in every line of copy, we can make your audience feel seen, heard, and valued.

Image by Jess @ Harper Sunday

Forging real connections

with authentic copy

What Clients Say

"Rach has been rocking our world for the past three years with her extraordinary copywriting skills, nailing our brand's voice and message every time. She's worked wonders on our website, social media posts, and even our massive workbook for students.
If you're looking for a talented, dedicated, and super cool copywriter in the beauty industry, Rach is your go-to person – we couldn't recommend her more!"
- Natalie Arakelian, Euphoria Skin / Bare Generation

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Rachel Medlock Copywriting respectfully operates on Kulin Nation land. I acknowledge this privilege and pay my respects to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander elders past, present, and emerging.


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