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60 Hook Ideas To Use On Your Next Post

What do you mean she's giving this kind of content away for free*?!

I want to help you level up your caption game which is why I'm uncovering the secret sauce to captivating captions – hooks! Imagine your caption as a story, and the hook as the gripping opening chapter that keeps readers glued till the end. Keep reading as I give you 60 copy-and-paste hooks for your next caption that turn a scroll into a stop.

*make that 61, you're welcome 😉

But wait. Isn't a hook for like fishing and sh!t?

Sure is, and the copy kind preeeetty much does the same thing. A hook is like the bait on a fishing line – it's the irresistible element that grabs your audience's attention and reels them in. In the world of social media, a hook is the opening line or phrase of your caption that compels your audience to keep reading. It's the key to sparking curiosity, generating engagement, and ultimately driving action.


So, what makes a good hook?

A good hook is one that immediately captures your audience's interest and makes them want to learn more. It should be concise, compelling, and relevant to your content. A solid hook can take many forms, from a thought-provoking question to a surprising fact, an intriguing statement or a controversial opinion. The key is to know your audience and tailor your hook to resonate with their interests and preferences. Ultimately, a good hook sets the stage for the rest of your caption, drawing your audience in and encouraging them to engage with your content.

60 hooks to use in your next posts


"Calling all {{insert specific target audience here}} ..."


"Let me let you in on a little secret..."


"Need a laugh? You need to read this."


"Which one are you? {{option a}} / {{option b}}"


"Did you know that..."


"Here's how to..."


"Fun fact: Did you know that..."


"Okay, hear me out - unpopular opinion incoming..."


"Hey {{insert specific target audience here}}, I see you hustling..."


"You won't believe what just happened..."


"I wasn't going to spill, but..."


"Want to know a secret nobody talks about?"


"The biggest lesson I've learned as a {{profession}} so far..."


"You need to hear this today, trust me."


"Let's uncover the 'why' behind..."


"X things I've learned on my journey to {{goal}}..."


"Do you only focus on {{insert topic here}}? Let me stop you right there."


"Here's how I know anything is possible for you..."


"Follow these X steps to {{goal}}"


"Believe it or not, but..."


"Not a fan of {{topic}}? You're in luck."


"It’s time we had a chat about {{topic}}"


"Avoid these xx mistakes when {{topic}}"


"From {{starting point}} to {{current success}} – {{name}} journey."


"It’s time for a confession..."


"Here’s what I wish I knew earlier about {{topic}}..."


"Why I've decided to stop {{topic}}..."


"Here's what happened when I {{topic}}"


"Struggling with {{specific issue}}? This post is for you."


"Can I be real with you for a moment?"

"Thoughts on this one?"


"Need help with {{specific problem}}? Keep reading."


"If I had to start over again, I'd..."


"Avoid {{undesirable outcome}} by..."


"Here's a question that often comes up: ..."


"Listen up, because this isn't a joke."


"Can't believe I'm sharing this, but..."


"I've always considered myself {{trait}}, but lately..."


"Let's debunk some common myths about {{topic}}"


"This one's for the {{product/treatment/topic}} sceptics..."


"Buckle up, because this is not your average advice..."


"Ready to uncover some hidden truths about {{topic}}?"


"You might want to sit down for this one..."


"Who else is tired of the same old advice about {{topic}}?"


"Get ready to rethink everything you know about {{topic}}"


"Let's talk about the elephant in the room..."


"I've got something to get off my chest about {{topic}}"


"Prepare to have your mind blown by this..."


"Who's up for a little myth-busting session on {{topic}}?"


"Grab a coffee and let's dive into the truth about {{topic}}"


"It's time to set the record straight about {{topic}}"


"You'll want to save this one for later - trust me!"


"Ever wondered what really goes on behind the scenes of {{topic}}?"


"Let's shine a light on the real story behind {{topic}}"


"The rumours are true..."


"Warning: This post may change your perspective on {{topic}}"


"Need a reality check? Here it is..."


"This might be hard to swallow, but..."


“I can’t believe I’m sharing this but…”




Need more caption help? Don't worry, my Social Media Caption Subscriptions have you covered with done-for-you, copy-and-paste captions for your salon or clinic each month. Click here to learn more.

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Rachel Medlock Copywriting respectfully operates on Kulin Nation land. I acknowledge this privilege and pay my respects to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander elders past, present, and emerging.

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