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Is Your Website Copy Due For A Refresh? 5 Signs It Might Be Time.

Your website is like the storefront of your skin clinic — a first impression that can make or break a potential client’s decision to book an appointment. If your website copy is outdated, ineffective, or fails to capture the essence of your brand, it could be turning visitors away before they’ve even had a chance to learn about your services.

Just like skincare routines, website copy needs regular reviews to stay effective. Here are signs it might be time to give your website copy a little treatment journey of its own.

1. Your Biz Isn't Who It Used To Be

Let's face it. If you have been in business for a few years now, it's likely not the same one you first opened your doors with. Whether it's a new approach to treatments, a more honed-in focus, new services, or complete aesthetic change, if your business has evolved, your website should too.

If your website copy doesn’t accurately reflect these changes, you risk confusing potential clients or missing out on opportunities to connect with them. For example, your website is giving off the relaxing fluffy facials of years past, when today's version of your business is skin correction focused.

2. Your Tribe Isn't Your Vibe

Not all clients are created equal and you don't want to be wasting precious time and money on consultations that aren't going to convert or clients that interested in commitment. If you find yourself fielding enquiries from clients who aren’t a good fit for your clinic—whether it's due to budget constraints, misaligned expectations, or mismatched values—it might be time to revisit your website copy. By refining your messaging to better align with your ideal client, you can attract clients that are more likely to convert into long-term ones.

3. Your Brand Voice Feels Like A Stranger

Your website should be an extension of your clinic's brand identity. When a client walks through your doors, their experience with you should feel familiar, based on what they've learnt about you online.

If your website copy feels generic or doesn’t accurately convey the personality and ethos of your clinic, it's time for a refresh. No questions asked - it's doing your business a disservice.

4. You’re In The Process Of A Website Glow-Up (Or About To Be)

A website redesign is the perfect opportunity to refresh your copy. Think of it this way - investing thousands in a new website and the bare minimum in its copy, is like having a full course of IPL pigmentation treatments, only to not wear sunscreen in-between appointments. Sure, you might see an improvement, but it's not going to be the show stopping moment you're expecting.

As you revamp your brand’s visual identity, it’s essential to ensure that your messaging aligns with your new look and feel. By updating your website copy alongside your design, you can create a cohesive and compelling brand experience for visitors. Plus, your website designer WILL ask for copy and if you don't have enough, or too much, you risk limiting your return on investment.

If any of these signs resonate with you, it's time to update your website copy. And if you need a hand, I’m here to help! Together, we can ensure that your website is working as hard as you are to attract and retain clients. Reach out today to get the ball rolling or book a virtual coffee to decide which website copywriting package is right for you.

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Rachel Medlock Copywriting respectfully operates on Kulin Nation land. I acknowledge this privilege and pay my respects to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander elders past, present, and emerging.

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