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Six Signs You're Not Optimising Your Instagram Bio

Your Instagram bio is more than just a few lines of text – it's your digital storefront, your virtual reception area, and your first opportunity to make a lasting impression on potential clients. But are you making the most of this prime real estate? In this post, we'll dive into six signs that indicate your skin clinic's Instagram bio might need a glow up.

1. Talking About Yourself Instead of Solving Client Problems

Is your bio filled with statements like "We're the best skin clinic in town" or "Our team of experts"?

Yes, it's important to highlight your clinic's strengths, but focusing too much on yourself can be veering into 'selling the glycolic, instead of the glow' territory.

Similarly, bios that list every service they can fit in 150 characters aren't telling me WHY I should choose them over a business offering the same ones. While it's tempting to list all your services in your bio, this approach can come across as impersonal and unengaging. Instead, use your bio to connect emotionally with your audience and showcase the value you provide and ultimately, highlight how your clinic solves their problems and meets their needs.

2. Neglecting Instagram SEO in the Bio Name Section

Your Instagram name [aka the bold text in your bio] is more than just your business name – it's an opportunity to optimise Instagram SEO. By incorporating relevant keywords into your name, such as those related to your location or specialisation/niche, you can improve your chances of appearing in search results and attracting new followers.

For example, your IG bio being simply your business name, means it won't appear if I was to search "Body Contouring Melbourne" or "Balayage Specialist Sydney".

3. Wasting Characters on Tagged Brands

Are you tagging other skincare brands in your bio, risking sending potential clients off your page? Remember, it's your job to educate your followers about the brands you endorse, not send them elsewhere. Use your bio to showcase your expertise and offerings, rather than promoting other brands.

4. Lack of Clear Call to Action (CTA)

Don't leave your visitors guessing — tell them exactly what you want them to do next.

Ensure your bio includes a clear call to action that prompts visitors to take the next step, whether it's booking a consultation, visiting your website, or following your account. Make it easy for them to engage with your clinic by using actionable language and having up-to-date links.

5. Using Fancy Fonts

2007 called and they want their fAnCy FoNtz back.

Using fancy fonts in your bio make your copy less accessible to some readers and don't work on every kind of device. Stick to the standard, easy-to-read font to ensure your bio is accessible to all potential clients.

So, take a closer look at your bio today – it might be time for a glow up!

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Rachel Medlock Copywriting respectfully operates on Kulin Nation land. I acknowledge this privilege and pay my respects to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander elders past, present, and emerging.

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