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Spoiler Alert: It's Normal To Hate Writing About Yourself

Why is it so damn tough to write about ourselves, even when we're the experts on the subject? Well, here's the inside scoop: it's all about vulnerability.

Think about it. Writing about ourselves is like baring our souls to the world. It's peeling back the layers and saying, "Hey, this is me, this is what I stand for, and this is why I matter." It's a bit like standing on a stage with the spotlight on, inviting everyone to see the real you.

But let's be honest – the idea of making ourselves vulnerable in front of strangers doesn't exactly scream "comfort zone." Raise your hand if you relish that feeling. Yeah, didn't think so.

Here's the lowdown on why we struggle to write about ourselves:

  1. The Trap: Ever felt like whatever you jot down becomes a tattoo? Like you're shackled to that description for eternity? Take a breath, you're not etching it in stone.

  2. The Judgment: Fear of not measuring up? We've all been there. But remember, not everyone's your cup of tea – and that's a good thing.

Now, let's talk survival strategies:

  1. Enter Third Person: Step out of your own head. Pretend you're describing your BFF – it's easier to be kinder to them, right? Write like you're their biggest cheerleader.

  2. Purpose-Driven Writing: Every self-description has a purpose – be it for your business, your portfolio, or your online presence. Delve into the reason behind your words. Who's your audience? What connections do you share with them? Make those connections the focal points of your writing.

  3. It's Not Forever, Sis: Remember, you're not etching your identity in stone. You're evolving, growing, changing. Treat each self-description as a snapshot of who you are at that moment.

  4. Power Writing Session: Set a timer for a solid ten minutes and let the words flow without judgment. Capture the essence of you on paper. Later, pick out the golden nuggets, rearrange them, and watch your self-description come to life.

  5. Embrace Backup: Don't go it alone. Seek descriptions from others who know you well. Utilise templates to kickstart your writing. If all else fails, consider teaming up with a copywriter to transform your raw thoughts into a masterpiece.

So, if you're wrestling with words about yourself, know that you're not alone. Vulnerability is all part of this #BizOwnerLife journey. And hey, if you ever need a hand, a fresh perspective, or a master copy crafter, I'm here to make your self-description journey a tad less bumpy.

Got questions? Hit me up!


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