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Why Chat GPT won't be replacing your copywriter

Chatbots and AI technology aren't anything new in the online world. In fact, you may already be using them in your business right now. Think Facebook Messenger automations or a chat function on your website. In a world where we can outsource simple tasks to a computer, why wouldn't we?

The latest piece of AI tech to hit the scene, Chat GPT, suggests that we can outsource content writing to their program where within a minute, you have words in front of you that very well could have been written by a human.

The thing is though, knowing how to write doesn't make you a writer. Just like knowing how to use Canva doesn't make you a graphic designer or using an at-home LED mask doesn't make you a beauty therapist. They all just make things a little bit easier.

With a husband who lives, works and breathes technology, I've known about Chat GPT for a while now and seen it in action many times. I'll spare you the story about its take on a classic Hallmark Christmas movie that sprinkled nightmare fuel instead of festive joy.

Creepy Christmas aside, I decided to make my own account and ask it to write "3 captions for a copywriting business". If this robot was going to 'threaten' my livelihood, I had to see what all the fuss was about.

As you can see from its answers below, all 3 of the captions lack any form of personality, heart or share my point of difference as a writer. They're barely a sentence let alone a caption and certainly wouldn't inspire my dream customer to contact me.

So, what do programs like Chat GPT mean for you? Are you dumping me via a post-it note (if you know, you know) and relying on AI instead? Not so fast.

Here's 3 reasons why I firmly believe that Chat GPT isn't going to replace copywriters, especially industry specific ones like myself.

Blending in vs. standing out

Avoiding "sounding like everyone else" is likely one of the reasons you hired your copywriter in the first place right?

As you saw with my own Chat GPT experiment, the captions it provided me sounded beyond cookie-cutter and so plain-Jane (no offence, Jane) that nobody would be rushing to my website after reading them.

Copy that lights up your dream customer and feels authentically you doesn't appear at the click of a button.

AI doesn't have a beating heart

Copy without heart and soul is simply a bunch of words on a screen.

Sure, it can punch out a few hundred words quicker than I can press play on a new ep of The Kardashians [that's pretty quick] but it lacks what's needed to create a genuine connection with your dream customer - empathy, authenticity and heart.

Amazing copy should look, feel and sound like your business. It should make your dream customer have so much FOMO about your products and services that they simply must learn more, book now or add to cart. It goes without saying that a human writer does this a million times better. Funny that.

New brand, who dis?

When you work with a copywriter, every sentence is crafted with your brand as its soul. It takes into account your strategy and business goals when the copy is assembled.

From embracing the purpose of the copy, its tone of voice to personal touches that see your customer experience shine in every sentence. These are just a taste of what can't be replicated by a computer.

Who knows what's next for Chat GPT, AI and how they'll work with or against creatives. I'm confident that my fellow copywriters and I aren't losing our jobs to the robots just yet... except if you're after creepy AF Christmas stories becasuse they've got me schooled ;)


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