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Why Your Content Doesn't Need to Be Perfect, But It Does Need to Be Purposeful

It seems like every day there’s someone out there sharing the 'secret' to creating perfect content. Whether it’s the perfect blog title, the perfect social media profile, or the perfect time to post or send an email, we’re bombarded with the idea that perfection is not only achievable but necessary.

But here’s the truth: aiming for perfection can be more harmful than helpful, especially when it comes to your salon or clinic's content. Let’s dive into why perfection paralysis is a real issue and why purposeful content trumps perfect content every time.

The problem with the pursuit of perfection is that it’s often misleading. Yes, the tips provided in these articles can be valuable and bring positive results. However, the notion that there is a "perfect" formula that will work for every single business is simply not true.

Perfection is subjective. What’s perfect to you might be flawed to someone else, and vice versa. This applies to your audience’s perception of your content as well. Everyone sees things through their own lens, which is why the idea of creating universally perfect content is a myth.

The Unpredictability of Content Performance

Even seasoned business owners are often surprised by how their content performs. The post you think will spark huge engagement might fall flat, while the one you considered average might go viral. This has happened to me on both sides of the fence, many times. The most unfiltered, least amount of effort involved style content has gone gangbusters and on the contrary, the content I put hours of work into, get zilch.

There’s no guaranteed formula for success and undoubtedly this idea of perfect content impacted what I put out into the universe. Regardless, this unpredictability is frustrating, but it’s also a reminder that perfection is not the goal. Instead, focus on creating content that serves a purpose and resonates with your audience.

The Trap of Perfection Paralysis

When we get too focused on creating perfect content, we can find ourselves stuck in a cycle of analysis paralysis. We spend so much time crafting the perfect piece that we never actually hit publish, or like I've experienced, become increasingly frustrated when it doesn't yield the results we'd anticipated. Instead of striving for perfection, aim for progress. Understand that not every piece of content will be a home run, and that’s okay. The key is to keep moving forward, learning, and improving.

Stop Deleting Imperfect Posts

I'll be honest with you - I have deleted posts that don’t perform as well as expected before, or because I noticed one tiny flaw in a tile or caption. Imperfect posts show that you’re experimenting, testing, and learning what works best for your audience. Plus, your audience is more forgiving than you might think. They appreciate authenticity and can see through overly curated feeds. Embrace the imperfections and use them as learning opportunities.

Purpose Over Perfection

Your content doesn’t need to be perfect, but it does need to be purposeful. Every piece of content should have a clear intention - especially when a professional beauty business is sharing multiple styles of content on one feed. With every piece of content you share, whether its through email, social media or blogs, you need to ask yourself, are you trying to educate, inspire, or encourage your audience? When you focus on purpose, you free yourself from the pressure of perfection. You allow yourself to experiment, learn, and grow, which ultimately leads to better content and stronger connections with your audience.

In the end, embrace imperfection. Share your content with confidence, knowing that your audience values authenticity and purpose over perfection. Have you ever been paralysed by the pursuit of perfection? Has it kept you from publishing or sharing your ideas? Let’s focus on creating meaningful, purposeful content that truly resonates. After all, it’s the intention behind the content that matters most.

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Rachel Medlock Copywriting respectfully operates on Kulin Nation land. I acknowledge this privilege and pay my respects to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander elders past, present, and emerging.

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